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10 Ways to Show Your Partner You Love them

“As you wish.”

– Westley from the Movie, The Princess Bride

I’m a strong supporter of showing my partner and wife every day how much I love them. The only limits I’ve found to do this is your own creativity. I want my wife to know how much she means to me. I want her to know that I think about her during the day, even while I’m at work.

I’m a strong supporter of showing my partner and wife every day how much I love them. The only limits I’ve found to do this is your own creativity. I want my wife to know how much she means to me. I want her to know that I think about her during the day, even while I’m at work.

In The Princess Bride, every time Princess Buttercup asked the farm boy Westley to do something, he would always say, “As you wish.” As Buttercup caught on to the true meaning of the phrase, she asked him to do more and more just so she could hear “As you wish.” If you haven’t seen the movie, the phrase means “I love you.”

What I like is that Westley demonstrates his love for Princess Buttercup by continually performing all tasks asked of him. He not only says he loves her quite cleverly, but he also shows he loves her daily in a variety of ways.

Simple Yet Powerful Ways to Show Your Love Every Day

I’m a firm believer in not only stating your love for a person out loud, but also showing them. One small thing I do for my wife every single day we are together is that I make her a cup of coffee whenever she asks, no matter the time of day. It’s just one of the small things I do to show her my love and gratitude for her. I had to laugh quietly one day when I overheard her telling her older sister that I made her daily coffee for her. Her sister immediately said she wished that someone would make her coffee every day.

Show your partner that you love them. Perform small tasks for them. Perform big tasks for them. Give small gifts regularly. Give large gifts irregularly. You know what your partner loves. So, give it to them. Don’t hold back. This will forever change your relationship for the better.

Do you know why my wife thinks the coffee I make her is better than what she makes? Corny as it sounds, it’s because I enjoy making it and I think about how much I love her while I make it. It’s my secret ingredient. Please don’t tell her.

Transform Your Relationship with Meaningful Gestures:

  1. Morning Love Note: Leave a short, heartfelt note on their bedside table or on the bathroom mirror. For example, “I love waking up with you by my side.” Or “I hope you have an amazing day. You deserve it.”
  2. Personalized Compliment: Give your partner a specific compliment each day about something they do, wear, or say. Make it genuine and detailed.
  3. Mini Surprise Gesture: Do something unexpected that makes their day easier. Pack their favorite snack or take over one of their usual chores without being asked.
  4. Love Playlist: Create a playlist with songs that remind you of them and share it. Dedicate one song a day to them, explaining why it’s meaningful.
  5. Thoughtful Check-in: Send a sweet midday text or voice note to let them know you’re thinking of them. Ask how their day is going in a caring way.
  6. Affectionate Touch: Incorporate a loving touch daily, whether it’s a hug, hand squeeze, or back rub. Physical affection reinforces emotional connection.
  7. Gratitude Ritual: Before bed, express one thing you’re grateful for about them that day. Keep it specific to make it meaningful.
  8. Memory Flashback: Share a cherished memory of a moment you’ve had together and tell them why it’s so special to you.
  9. Sweet Surprise: Pick up a small token of love. A favorite snack, a flower, or something they’ve mentioned they’d like—just because.
  10. Bedtime Story: End the day with a short story, poem, or affirmation about your love for them. It can be something light and fun or deeply emotional.

Use your creativity. You can easily expand on the list. There are hundreds of more ideas. Remember to be sincere and specific. Don’t do the same thing every day. Mix it up. Keep your partner guessing. Have fun!

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